For Professionals​

Unleash innovation to increase your sales​

Introducing UN(THINK) Awakened Flour​
5x the fiber, 2x the Protein and 23% less net carbs​

100% Natural Nutrition Innovation​

UN(THINK)™ is based on a clear consumer need: Consumers love flour-based products, but carbs are seen as evil!. Healthy alternatives are not always appealing. There always seems to be a compromise…

We have patented a proprietary process that delivers enhanced nutrition with great functionality using precise controlled germination for optimum results:

  • 100% Natural

- Clean Label

- Non-GMO

- Natural process.

  • Enhanced Nutrition:

- Higher Protein vs regular flour (2x)​

- More Fiber vs regular flour (5x)​

Less Net Carbs% vs regular flour (only 77%)​

    • Better Taste and Functionality​

- More complex flavor profile– Less astringent, tannic, grassy; Sweet taste profile (potential savings using less sugar)​

- Products with structure, texture and pliability hard to find in whole wheat or sprouted wheat flours

    • Improved Digestion

- Our process results in a flour with more fiber and with starches and proteins that are easier to digest​

- Our process breaks down phytate, increasing absorption of vitamins and minerals

  • 100% whole kernel without sacrificing functionality
    • Concept has been validated with consumers with excellent results

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Our Process

Varities Launched

We have launched UN(THINK)™ Awakened Flour tightly focused on the professional bakery channel.​

UN(THINK)™ Awakened Flour comes in three varieties: ​

  • Hard Red Wheat for richer flavor, structure and protein, ideal for breads.
  • Soft White Wheat better suited for cakes, cookies, and other pastries.​
  • Hard White Wheat for an optimum balance of protein with a lighter, sweeter flavor in breads, pasta, and pancakes. ​
UN(THINK)™ Whole Kernel Whole Wheat Flour - Hard Red UN(THINK)™ Whole Kernel Whole Wheat Flour - Soft White UN(THINK)™ Whole Kernel Whole Wheat Flour - Hard White

​We will help you market this unique innovation​

  • Best practices​
  • Tested selling points​
  • Customizable artwork
UN(THINK) Co-Branding Artisan Bakery UN(THINK) Co-Branding Artisan Bakery Collateral

Unleash innovation that increases your sales with the new higher protein/fiber premium products your customers are looking for.

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Awakened Flour Hard Red Wheat Bread

Prep 20 Minutes | Total 4-5 Hours | Yield 1 Delicious Loaf


3 ½ cups UN(THINK)™ Awakened Hard Red Wheat Flour
3 Tablespoons Dry Milk Powder
1½ Tablespoons Vital Wheat Gluten
1 Teaspoon Salt
¼ Cup Vegetable Oil
¼ Cup Honey
1 Tablespoon (scant) Instant Yeast
1¼ Cups Water (115°F-120°F)


  • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with bread hook, combine all ingredients, mixing until dough starts to clean sides of the bowl. Add additional water or flour, if needed. Remove the dough to a lightly greased mat or counter. Cover with lightly greased plastic wrap and rest for 20 minutes.
  • Return dough to mixer and knead for 5 minutes. Remove and knead on mat for an additional 2 to 3 minutes or until dough is soft and smooth. Transfer to a lightly greased proofing tub or bowl loosely covered with plastic wrap and allow to rise 1 to 2 hours until almost doubled.
  • Gently deflate dough and shape into an 8-inch log, pinching seam on the bottom. Grease an 8”X 4” loaf pan. Cut a small piece of parchment paper to cover only the bottom of the pan and lightly grease the paper as well. Carefully place the dough into the prepared loaf pan. Loosely cover with lightly greased plastic wrap. Allow to rise 1 to 2 hours until center is 1½ to 2 inches above the pan.
  • Bake on the center rack of a 350°F preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes or until the center reaches a temperature of 190° to 195°F. Cut a venting hole in the center of a foil tent and loosely cover the loaf after 10 to 15 minutes to prevent over-browning.
  • Rest the bread in the pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes, then remove from the pan and finish cooling on the rack. Allow the bread to cool completely before cutting. (Cutting the bread while still warm releases moisture and alters the texture of the finished product.)
  • Store well wrapped in plastic wrap or in airtight container at room temperature.

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